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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
T-86 | Mindcrime Infiltrator | Lance Sputnik |
T.A.G. Viper | Enemy Ordinance Locator | Flophouse |
T.A.R.G.A.T. Guerrilla | Air Combat / Recognition | TARGAT |
TAC-Viper | Cobra Infiltration & Technology Acquisiti | starviper |
Tactical Viper | Infiltration Specialists | dirtywolf99 |
Tag-Viper | Espionage, Surveillance and Assassination | Captain Tazer |
Taipans | Cobra Commando | ABN_Bearcat |
Talon | Cobra Drone Pilot | alleyviperelite |
Talon | Stealth Tactics | chad_ghost |
Talon | Airborne Range Viper | The pros from Dover |
Tank Vipers | Tank Commanders | tristanx |
Tasman | Cobra Mercenary | CALI Viper |
Tech Viper | Cobra Engineer | ramonesbootlegs |
Tech Viper | Systems Operator | Dayspring |
Technician | Pyramid of Darkness Field Tech | CaptainD |
Techno Viper | Laboratory Technician | TARGAT |
Techno Viper | U.V. Driver | Mach5Customs |
Techno Viper | Battlefield Technician | kalibus |
Techno Viper | Cobra Technician | Stalker |
Techno Viper | Maintenance | danielb |
Techno Viper | Desert Extreme Technician | idz bowl |
Techno Viper Armor | Maintenance | danielb |
Techno Viper Commando | Commando | zartan |
Techno Viper NCO | Special Opperations | danielb |
Techno Viper v2 | Cobra Engineer | Owner of a lonely B.A.T. |
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