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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
T300 Honey Badger Bomb Disposal Robot Dusty79
THE BEAST Night Force VAMP g.i. joeian
The Big Punch Mobile Missile Machine THE Mike
The Devil Ray Operation M.O.T.H. Davisgrayson
The Interceptor (AX-34) Air Support Ice008
The Ricochet StarBrigade Davisgrayson
The Troublemaker Assault Vehicle icecreamman
Thunderbolt GI Joe Anti-Tank Aircraft OreoBuilder
Thunderbolt A-10 Air to ground Jet abdielo
Thunderclash Battlefield Construction / Demolition Turbo_Magnus
ThunderStriker F-22 Stealth air superiority fighter AntonioDR
Thunderstriker Exo-Atmospheric Fighter Jet Dusty79
Thunderwing II Stealth air superiority fighter AntonioDR
Tiger Bat Tiger Force Quick Response Interceptor Tsunami
Tiger Bike Tiger Force Recon Motorcycle Tsunami
Tiger Cart Utility Terrain Vehicle pluv
Tiger Claw Assault APC general havoc
Tiger Force A.W.E. Striker Off-Road Vehicle carnage717
Tiger Force Conquest Fighter Jet carnage717
Tiger Force Eaglehawk Tiger Force Personnel Transport and Rescue Python Viper
Tiger Force F-35 JSF Joint Strike Fighter Raptor-78
Tiger Force Fang II Tiger Force Attack Chopper Python Viper
Tiger Force Growler TF Snake Eyes Bullet Bike icecreamman
Tiger Force HISS Captured Cobra HISS re-outfitted for TF drgeary77
Tiger Force Mamba Tiger Force Attack Chopper Python Viper
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