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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Wade Collins Former Crimson Guard Captain Tazer
Walkabout Joe Tracker CALI Viper
Walker Texas Ranger Law Enforcement Wilks
Wall Cloud Airborne Assualt bucky
Wallop Military Police shotgun specialist Tim 121RVC
Walrus Arctic Rescue LeeMarvin80
Walter Ambrose Marine, USS Flagg joemichaels70
War Fox Communications Specialist Doc Rob
War Machine Cyborg Freedom Fighter Kilcarr
War Zone Mech Pilot/technician Jin saotome
Warden Fish And Game Warden Turbo_Magnus
Warder Long Range Recon Deejay (aka JMIce2)
Warface Drill Instructor Doc Rob
Warhead Mega Marine Missile Specialist Jogunwarrior
Warhead Weapons Technician Outrider
Warhead Forward Air Controller ToneGuns
Warpath Heavy Machine Gunner Grand Slam
Warpath Cavalry Scout Kwinn_Lives
Warpath Vigilante Force My Generation Toys
Wart H.O.G. Android Trooper Jin saotome
Warwolf Melee Combat zedhatch
Wasp Demolitions Scrap-Iron
Watch Dog A.P.C. Driver Kamakura
Wave Breaker W.H.A.L.E. Team BR CUSTOM
Wavelength Cold Climate Communications Outrider
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