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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Wade Collins Long-Range Recon Patrol Kwinn_Lives
Wade Collins Urban Watchdog Kwinn_Lives
Wakanda Thug 1 Heavy Weapons drbindy
Wakanda Thug 2 Wakanda Gang Liaison to Warpigs drbindy
Wakanda Warlord Nemesis of Black Panther drbindy
WALL-E Y3K Sentient Robot Dusty79
Wally West The Flash III gijoey
Walt Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy joemichaels70
Walter "Doc" Hartford Galaxy Ranger Member Sizemore77
Walter Skorpinok United States Amassador to Colombia Lance Sputnik
Walter White Cooker Vanishing Point
War Tactical / Strategic Command Doc Rob
War Machine Super Hero pluv
War Wolf Mercenary Doc Rob
Warblade Wildcats Operative icecreamman
Warbow Saga of Crystar - Archery Captain Kwinn_Lives
WarDuke Horned Society Hunter themendoz
Warhammer Consortium Shadow Unit Heavy Weapons Phobus
Warhammer 40K Space Marine The Emperors Fist Suntzu
Warhead Faulkner Group Anti-Armor Specialist Phobus
Warlord Barbarian Sizemore77
Warlord World of Warlord Sizemore77
Warpath P.A.C.K. member Sizemore77
Warpath Autobots Missile Specialist Tim 121RVC
Warpath Tracker HypnoHustler
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