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Thumbnail Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Davros Alternate Universe - Scientist/Evil Genius gunzlingr
"Avalanche" Former Cobra Arctic Armor Officer Garrey
A.B.A.T. Armored Battle Android Trooper C Urbach
A.S.P.II Pilot
A.S.P.II Pilot Mech Pilot G.I.JAC
A.S.P.S. Armored Security Police Servicemen tristanx
A.V.A.C. Firebat Pilot husker85
A.V.A.C. Firebat Pilot john_mounier
A.V.A.C. Firebat Pilot Tunnel Rat
A.V.A.C. Cobra Firebat V2 Pilot russdawg
A.V.A.C. Firebat Pilot Macrossmaster
A.V.A.C. Extreme Pilot Sharkbait
A.V.A.C. Firebat Pilot Kamakura
A.V.A.C. Pilot 6"
A.V.A.C. Pilot 6" Firebat Driver 1:12th Scale lmateo002
A.W.O.L. Femme Fatale, Cobra Clone/Bio-Weapon The pros from Dover
Abraham "Grampa" Simpson
Abraham "Grampa" Simpson B.A.T. Simpsons Crossover Dusty79
Abutre Negro
Abutre Negro Para Viper Leader LeeMarvin80
Abutre Negro
Abutre Negro International Exclusive Void
Abutre Negro
Abutre Negro South American Operations Commander Fozzie
Abyss COBRA Heavy Machine Gunner duke
Abyss-Viper Underwater Demolitions Mainframe
Accellartor B.A.T.
Accellartor B.A.T. Destruction Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
Admiral Ahab
Admiral Ahab Navy Specialist Major Stone
Admiral Elapinae
Admiral Elapinae Venomous Sea Serpent Admiral sgcaper
Admiral Lattimer
Admiral Lattimer Cobra Admiral LeeMarvin80
Aegis-Viper Assault Engineer Reconnaissance starviper
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