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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Airborne Battle Corps Helicopter Assault Jogunwarrior
Alpine Mountain Infantry sgcaper
Altitude Fixed Wing Cargo Pilot Garrey
Atomizer Laser Wave Close Support Specialist Jogunwarrior
Barbecue Mega Marine Firefighter Jogunwarrior
Bazooka Mega Marine Missile Specialist Jogunwarrior
Bazooka Missile Specialist Jogunwarrior
Beach Head Battle Corps Night Assault Ranger Jogunwarrior
Blackwolf Leader of the Night Force Blackwolf
Blowtorch Flamethrower HissHissFangFang
Boomer Submarine Captain Jogunwarrior
Breakdown Mechanic bucky
Chassis Transport Liquidation-d
Cloudburst PMOS: AT-6 Pilot SMOS: Glider Infantry Garrey
Clutch VAMP Driver (25th Classic Version) HissHissFangFang
Clutch Transportation Jogunwarrior
Courage Tank Commander Jogunwarrior
Crankcase VAMP Driver Garrey
Crankcase Transportation Jogunwarrior
Crazylegs Special Missions Brazil assault trooper Jogunwarrior
Crazylegs Assault Trooper kenjesu
Crazylegs Night Force Assault Trooper Jogunwarrior
Dawn Moreno Ninja Ian
Depth Charge Devastator Operator pluv
Diehard Commando Jogunwarrior
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