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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
Airborne | Battle Corps Helicopter Assault | Jogunwarrior |
Alpine | Mountain Infantry | sgcaper |
Altitude | Fixed Wing Cargo Pilot | Garrey |
Atomizer | Laser Wave Close Support Specialist | Jogunwarrior |
Barbecue | Mega Marine Firefighter | Jogunwarrior |
Bazooka | Mega Marine Missile Specialist | Jogunwarrior |
Bazooka | Missile Specialist | Jogunwarrior |
Beach Head | Battle Corps Night Assault Ranger | Jogunwarrior |
Blackwolf | Leader of the Night Force | Blackwolf |
Blowtorch | Flamethrower | HissHissFangFang |
Boomer | Submarine Captain | Jogunwarrior |
Breakdown | Mechanic | bucky |
Chassis | Transport | Liquidation-d |
Cloudburst | PMOS: AT-6 Pilot SMOS: Glider Infantry | Garrey |
Clutch | VAMP Driver (25th Classic Version) | HissHissFangFang |
Clutch | Transportation | Jogunwarrior |
Courage | Tank Commander | Jogunwarrior |
Crankcase | VAMP Driver | Garrey |
Crankcase | Transportation | Jogunwarrior |
Crazylegs | Special Missions Brazil assault trooper | Jogunwarrior |
Crazylegs | Assault Trooper | kenjesu |
Crazylegs | Night Force Assault Trooper | Jogunwarrior |
Dawn Moreno | Ninja | Ian |
Depth Charge | Devastator Operator | pluv |
Diehard | Commando | Jogunwarrior |
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