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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Arctic Thing Arctic ATV Adventure Team support drbindy
Armadillo Abandoned Armor sgcaper
Custom F.L.A.G.G aircraft carrier Play value G I Dad
F.L.A.G.G aircraft carrier Play value G I Dad
GI JOE Buckshot Off Road vehicle Blood Brigade
GI JOE Catfish Boat Submarine Blood Brigade
GI JOE FROG ATV Blood Brigade
Hailstorm Cold Weather Mobile Artillery Ol man
M.A.R.V. Mobile Amphibious Radar Vehicle Mobile radar station Ol man
Motorcycle Marauders Moto Espeto
Ranger 6x6 Scouting Ninja Viper
S.H.A.R.C Jungle SHARC RGregory
Silver Mirage Rapid Attack/Utility Motorcycle ThinkTank
Sky Drone Arial Recon Drone sgcaper
Tiger Force Silver Mirage Moto Espeto
VAMP Overland Allterain Vehicle Blood Brigade
Wake Smacker Towable Pontoon Raft pluv
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