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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Ace Pilot OreoBuilder
Ace Battle Corps Pilot OreoBuilder
Ace XP-14F "Skystriker" Pilot Robrauder
Ace Mission Briefing Lance Sputnik
Ace Pilot SSgt Groover
Ace Fighter Pilot Vanishing Point
Ace Pilot MacGyver
Ace Pilot mshadow
Ace Battle Corps Rangers Pilot OreoBuilder
Ace Battle Copter Pilot Robrauder
Ace 1:12th Scale Tomcat Fighter Jet Pilot lmateo002
Ace Fighter Pilot jldubbya515
Ace Skystriker Pilot Doc Rob
Ace Fighter Pilot singsingjohnny
Ace (Sunbow Continuity) Pilot past nastification
Ace Riker Test Pilot past nastification
Action Man Para 50th Anniversary Action Man Para OreoBuilder
Action Man UN Peacekeeper 50th Anniversary Action Man UN Peacekeeper OreoBuilder
Action Marine 50th Anniversary Marine OreoBuilder
Action Pilot 50th Anniversary Pilot OreoBuilder
Action Sailor Landing Signal Officer toy-nutz
Action Sailor 50th Anniversary Sailor OreoBuilder
Action Sailor Naval Attack toy-nutz
Action Soldier 50th Anniversary Army Soldier OreoBuilder
Action Soldier Airborne Military Police toy-nutz
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