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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Ambush Concealment Specialist Pugsley
Ambush GI Joe Concealment Specialist OreoBuilder
Ambush Hiding in the bushes Morgardee
Ambush Desert Patrol Squad Concealment Specialist OreoBuilder
Ambush Concealment Specialist Midgarn
Ameilia Commando Oneforceleader
American Spirit Tracker David Jake
Amphibious Adventurer Agent Atoll Mission C Richter
Amy Green Shirt Recruit Sharkbait
Angel Medic TR1ER
Angel Paranormal Phenomena Iron Will
Anthony Sabado Marine, USS Flagg joemichaels70
Anthony Stark Weapons Developer Silent Master
Apache Close Combat Specialist Robrauder
Apeface Undercover Mainframe
Apline Night Force Mountain Trooper Jogunwarrior
Apparition Spec Ops Outrider
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon Stalker Simpsons Crossover Dusty79
Aqualad Free Dive Infiltration Iron Will
Ar Puro Hazardous Environment Trooper OreoBuilder
Ar Puro Tiger Force Radiation Trooper StevieSNLD
Brazilian Commando David Jake
ARC Mechanic snowman_ejc
Arctic Adventurer 50th Anniversary Fight for Survival OreoBuilder
Arctic Adventurer 50th Anniversary Arctic Adventurer OreoBuilder
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