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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Airtight Hostile Environment Trooper OreoBuilder
Airtight Hostile Enviroment Trooper bucky
Airtight Hostile Environment Dragonfly2099
Airtight Hostile Environment Trooper Turbo_Magnus
Airtight CBR Borderline
Airtight NBC Soldier john_mounier
Airtight HAZMAT Specialist Vanishing Point
Airwave Sky Patrol Audible Relay Broadcaster Vanishing Point
Airwave Sonic Fighter Sonic Neutralization Expert Jogunwarrior
Akidda Survival Trainer/Tracker/ Recon Wolf Pack Oneforceleader
Alamid Warrant Officer icecreamman
Alaska Helicopter pilot David Jake
Albatross Sky Patrol Ground Chief Vanishing Point
Albatross CIA Liaison Die Hunn
Aleron Pilot Instructor Garrey
Alex Sector Research and Development past nastification
Ali Bombay Research and Development past nastification
Alpine Mountaineer Vanishing Point
Alpine Mountain Trooper Midgarn
Alpine Mountain Operations Frenchie
Alpine Mountain Trooper David Jake
Alpine Mountain Trooper ADC MEMBER
Alpine Mountain Trooper bucky
Alpine Mountaineering / Vertical Assault FireFly
Alpine Mountain Trooper mshadow
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