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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Desert H.A.R.E Armed reconnaissance Vamped up
Desert HAVOC Desert HAVOC Zephyr1999
Desert Hummers ATV abdielo
Desert Rat Fast Strike Vehicle: Desert Robrauder
Desert Striker Desert Interceptor Jogunwarrior
Desert Striker Desert Fast Attack vehicle raptor
Desert Striker Desert Assault Vehicle Otto the Otter
Devil Fish Short range assault raft lmateo002
Devil S.H.A.R.C. Amphibious Assualt bucky
Devilfish Naval Operations OreoBuilder
Devilfish G.I.Joe Night Infiltration Craft sgcaper
Devilfish Fast Attack Boat (issue 47) Kwinn_Lives
Devilfish Stealth Instertion Craft sgcaper
Devilfish 1 Sea Devils Coastal Patrol Craft Kwinn_Lives
Devilfish 2 Sea Devils Riverine Patrol Craft Kwinn_Lives
Devilfish 3 Sea Devils Coastal Attack Craft Kwinn_Lives
Devilfish 4 Sea Devils Riverine Attack Craft Kwinn_Lives
Devilfish 5 Sea Devils Covert Insertion Craft Kwinn_Lives
Dino Wagon Dino Hunters chad_ghost
Dinobuster Dino Hunter All Terrain Vehicle Jogunwarrior
Dinofox Dino Hunter Jogunwarrior
Doc's Recon & Rescue G.I. Joe Ambulance Team tkjaer21
Dolphin High Speed Scout Hovercraft FireFly
Dolphin Coastal Rescue Helicopter pluv
Dolphin Attack Submarine Fast Attack Submarine Mysterious Stranger
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