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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
Scrapper | Dreadnok vehicle | kramer 70 |
Stingray 6x6 | Post apocalypse war machine | DREMEL |
Super Quad | Massive ATV | Tsunami |
Swamp Bike | Patrol Motorcycle | mshadow |
Swamp Cat | High speed all terrain vehicle | Sgt.Rican |
Swamp H.o.p.p.e.r. | High OutPut Patrol & Evasion Runner | saigon kick |
Swamp Hawg | Swamp Vehicle | Stormavik |
Swamp Hog | Swamp Boat | moonkngt |
Swamp Landing | Dreadnok Raft Watercraft | vintagetoystuff |
Swamp Patrol | Dreadnok Watercraft | vintagetoystuff |
Swamp Skiff | Dreadnok Air Swamp Vehicle | vintagetoystuff |
Swampfire | Glow in the dark | farmernick |
T-Bucket | Dreadnok Hot Rod | bcost74 |
The Big Red Beast | Scorpio's personal van | bcost74 |
The Crusher | Dreadnok Bigfoot | DREMEL |
The Dreadnoks Bounty | Pirate boat | opiewan1 |
Thund-R 4x4 | Dreadnok 4x4 | DREMEL |
Thunder Machine | M.A.R.S. Industries Concept Vehicle | Dusty79 |
Thunder Machine | Modernized jet powered armoured vehicle | Blood Brigade |
Thunder Machine | Mad Max style | Viperoner |
Thunder Machine | Dreadnok Firepower | Maximus |
Thunder Machine | Urban Assult Vehicle | Figureware |
Thunder Machine 2.0 | Destruction,carnage,and road rage | Zombiejoe68 |
Thunder Machine v.2 | Dreadnok Assualt tank | Andrew Pinpoint |
Thunder Trike | High Speed All-Terrain Vehicle | Sgt.Rican |
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