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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Scrapper Dreadnok vehicle kramer 70
Stingray 6x6 Post apocalypse war machine DREMEL
Super Quad Massive ATV Tsunami
Swamp Bike Patrol Motorcycle mshadow
Swamp Cat High speed all terrain vehicle Sgt.Rican
Swamp H.o.p.p.e.r. High OutPut Patrol & Evasion Runner saigon kick
Swamp Hawg Swamp Vehicle Stormavik
Swamp Hog Swamp Boat moonkngt
Swamp Landing Dreadnok Raft Watercraft vintagetoystuff
Swamp Patrol Dreadnok Watercraft vintagetoystuff
Swamp Skiff Dreadnok Air Swamp Vehicle vintagetoystuff
Swampfire Glow in the dark farmernick
T-Bucket Dreadnok Hot Rod bcost74
The Big Red Beast Scorpio's personal van bcost74
The Crusher Dreadnok Bigfoot DREMEL
The Dreadnoks Bounty Pirate boat opiewan1
Thund-R 4x4 Dreadnok 4x4 DREMEL
Thunder Machine M.A.R.S. Industries Concept Vehicle Dusty79
Thunder Machine Modernized jet powered armoured vehicle Blood Brigade
Thunder Machine Mad Max style Viperoner
Thunder Machine Dreadnok Firepower Maximus
Thunder Machine Urban Assult Vehicle Figureware
Thunder Machine 2.0 Destruction,carnage,and road rage Zombiejoe68
Thunder Machine v.2 Dreadnok Assualt tank Andrew Pinpoint
Thunder Trike High Speed All-Terrain Vehicle Sgt.Rican
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