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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
B.A. Baracus A-Team Mechanic StevieSNLD
B.A. Baracus Driver / Mechanic mike d
BA Barracus Driver/Muscle/Builder, The A-Team past nastification
Baby Team Superbeast 2DARK2C
Baby Boy Tremor Smokin Aces 2 Assassin's Ball bcost74
Back-Talk SK Omega Communications Specialist Rambo
Backdraft HazardousMaterialHandler - Pyro'sBandOfThugs DanOfTheDead
Backlash Covert Operations sgcaper
Backlash Gen Active icecreamman
Backseat Aircrewman/Medic/SAR/Fwd Air Observer Blakwulf
Bakuyaku Jade Dragon Guard Explosives Expert zedhatch
Bald Bull Turkish boxer Rambo
Ballentine Sniper danielb
Ballistic Cybernetic assassin Lance Sputnik
Balor Irish Evil Eye sgcaper
Balrog Boxer/Mercenary David Jake
Balrog Bison's Enforcer Rambo
Balrog Prize Fighter DrachenWulf
Banana Head L.A.M.E. Squad leader Cracker_jack
Band-Aid Eagle Force Combat Medic Kwinn_Lives
Bandit Speed Demon Outlaw joemichaels70
Bandit Unmasked Speed Demon Outlaw joemichaels70
Bandito Coyote Jogunwarrior
Bane Gotham City Criminal icecreamman
Bane Villain Iron Will
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