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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
JoeCustoms The Diorama Minaiture show display pluv
Jungle Village Village in Cobra occupied territory pluv
Kill Shed Leatherface and other stories 2DARK2C
KISS stage Modular lighted venue 2DARK2C
Landing Pad Weathered joemichaels70
Landscape Backdrop with Rocks Custom Display joemichaels70
Lord of the Flies Wildings 2DARK2C
Machine Gun Nest Sgt Rock Playset OreoBuilder
Mall of Springfield A good little place to relax and shop! Figureware
MARS Corridor Display Environment Joeczar
Marshal's Office Old West town of Two Gun Lord Bodega
Mechanical Room Spaceship, Enemy Lair, Secret Base, etc... drbindy
Mimic Fountain of Restoration Wolf in sheep's clothing pluv
MISSION: Hard Master Rescue Assault eesa
Multi-Purpose Base Hanger, motorpool, Command Center, etc Jogunwarrior
Natural setting stand Basic figure stand but cooler MacGyver
Nekid Lady Saloon Part of Western Town of Two-Gun Lord Bodega
New Eden Port 7 Main docking port on New Eden AshFawl
Ninja Wall Castle Piece joemichaels70
Ninjas Training Room A Training Area and a Battle of Ninjas pbazzarella
Nomad Cannonball Bandits D&D miniatures diorama, Toys for my toys pluv
nova Wall Futuristic Dio Background joemichaels70
Pacman & Ms. Pacman Game Over 2DARK2C
Primitive Sacrificial Altar Sacrifice For The Dark Ones! The Spectre
Punisher's Garage Armory, Shooting range and Storage bcost74
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