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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Mermansk Oktober Guard Diver GITrekker
Mig Oktober Guard Fighter Pilot bucky
MIG Oktober Guard Pilot GITrekker
Mijailov Light Infantry / Forward Scout Bart
Mischa Zubenkov Commando OreoBuilder
Misha Spetsnaz (45 Regiment) Capitan Ferco
Mjr. Voroshilov Tank Commander Iron_Grenadier_Commander
Muchnik Commando HypnoHustler
Night Witch Aircraft Pilot past nastification
Nikolivich Cold Weather Trooper mshadow
Oktober Guard Greenshirts Infantry bpackwood
Oktober Guard Greenshirts Infantry ZombieGuide
Paketa Oktober Guard Pilot Phobus
Perun Oktober Guard Laser Trooper harlie
Pilot Fighter Pilot Captain_Kratt
POLAR BEAR Oktober Guard Arctic Specialist GITrekker
Pravda Oktober Guard Urban Combat harlie
Premier Ivan Valenkof Commander-in-Chief, Soviet Army past nastification
Rad Spetsnaz (45 Regiment) Capitan Ferco
Ras Mountain Ranger Kwinn_Lives
Red Guardian VIII Oktober Guard Super Soldier Oneforceleader
Red Herring Counter-Counter Intelligence Vanishing Point
Red Sky Oktober Guard Paratrooper GITrekker
Red Son aka Superman Red Scare Iron Will
Red Star Oktober Guard Commander Robrauder
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