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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Lara Croft Tomb Raider drbindy
Leviathan Q Force Deep Sea Defender Fozzie
Leviathan Deep Sea Diver HypnoHustler
Leviathan & Lloyd Deep Sea Defender & Sea Turtle Buddy past nastification
Lieutenant Dolphin Q Force Commander Robrauder
Lifesaver Medic mshadow
Lightning Special Weapons Force (Gunner) past nastification
Lion Legion Etrangere Capitan Ferco
Longshot Urban Sniper raptor
Longslide Recon & Surveillance Kwinn_Lives
Lt Lion Legion Etrangere Capitan Ferco
Lt Quarrel Covert operation/ Infill exfill Pilot Silent Master
Lt. Skip SAS Officer danielb
Lt. Stone Experimental Aircraft Pilot past nastification
Major Alfa 2 Fuerzas Especiales (BFP) Capitan Ferco
Mako Underwater Operations mshadow
Manleh Commando OreoBuilder
Maquis Sniper mshadow
Mastiff K9 Handler LeeMarvin80
Mayday Urban Warfare LeeMarvin80
Mike Power The Atomic Man joemichaels70
Minesweeper Acton Force Minesweeper OreoBuilder
Miss Moneypenny Administrative Clerk past nastification
Mole Secretive leader of Storm Force pluv
Moondancer Action Force Mortar Soldier OreoBuilder
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