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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Dark Horse Intelligence / Espionage Dark Horse
Dark Horse Tank Left 4 dead self custom Dark Horse
Darkwise Mercenary Jogunwarrior
Death of TeknoKyo TeknoKyo
Doc Rob Field Intelligence Doc Rob
Dr. Bindy aka Kilthawk drbindy
Epitaph Enforcer Epitaph
Epitaph Chef / Ex-Bounty Hunter Epitaph
Evil Pluv Snow Serpent Officer pluv
Gambleson Carpenter Squad zartan
Ghost Rider Striking fear into and punishing the wicked! NIKOLAI
Graham Bell Communications Specialist PCITTON
Greymalkin Mouse Trapper ;) Sharkbait
Gutts Short Order Combat Cook *tMc*
Hive Viper Supreme Leader of the Hive Hive_Viper
Hive Viper Glorified Self-Custom Hive_Viper
House Medical Doctor PCITTON
Hunter Self Custom ronin292007
ibps Urban Witch Doctor ibps
Iceman Pilot / Parashooter PCITTON
Ink Marine Matthew
Iron Will Absconder / Firearms Specialist Iron Will
Jack Burton Commando xave
James Jacobs Fanboy: Ultimate Collector bcost74
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