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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
Dark Horse | Intelligence / Espionage | Dark Horse |
Dark Horse Tank | Left 4 dead self custom | Dark Horse |
Darkwise | Mercenary | Jogunwarrior |
Death | of TeknoKyo | TeknoKyo |
Doc Rob | Field Intelligence | Doc Rob |
Dr. Bindy | aka Kilthawk | drbindy |
Epitaph | Enforcer | Epitaph |
Epitaph | Chef / Ex-Bounty Hunter | Epitaph |
Evil Pluv | Snow Serpent Officer | pluv |
Gambleson | Carpenter Squad | zartan |
Ghost Rider | Striking fear into and punishing the wicked! | NIKOLAI |
Graham Bell | Communications Specialist | PCITTON |
Greymalkin | Mouse Trapper ;) | Sharkbait |
Gutts | Short Order Combat Cook | *tMc* |
Hive Viper | Supreme Leader of the Hive | Hive_Viper |
Hive Viper | Glorified Self-Custom | Hive_Viper |
House | Medical Doctor | PCITTON |
Hunter | Self Custom | ronin292007 |
ibps | Urban Witch Doctor | ibps |
Iceman | Pilot / Parashooter | PCITTON |
Ink | Marine | Matthew |
Iron Will | Absconder / Firearms Specialist | Iron Will |
Jack Burton | Commando | xave |
James Jacobs | Fanboy: Ultimate Collector | bcost74 |
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