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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
C.O.U.R.T (Cobra Off-road/URban Truck) | Quick Strike/Exit Unit | Ol man |
C.T.T. (Cobra Troop Transport) | Armoured personnel carrier | G.I.JAC |
Camuflaje todo Terreno | All Terrain Jeep | GI_Pacman |
Card-Board | Royal Flush Gang Rides | joemichaels70 |
Cardboard HISS Tank | Cobra Command HISS | vidmouse |
Carpet Bomber | Cobra Light Bomber | Caravankidd |
Carrots | Mighty Mini Steed | sgcaper |
Centurion | Armored Fighting Carrier | OreoBuilder |
CG APC | Crimson Guard APC | franz |
CGI Rocket HISS | Rocket Vehicle | franz |
CH-46 Sea Knight Chinook Helicopter | Selective Compression | Selective Compression |
Chameleon | Zartan's Swamp Ski | Vanishing Point |
Chameleon | Swamp Skier | jldubbya515 |
Chameleon | Zartan's swamp skier | DREMEL |
Chameleon Swamp Skier | Zartan's swamp skier | Ian |
Chameleon Swamp Skier | Zartan's Swamp Skier | Dusty79 |
Chaos Destiny | Pirate Claire Lerouge's Ship | bcost74 |
Cheetah | Desert FAV (fast attack vehicle) | Delta Team |
Cheetah | Attack VAMP | DREMEL |
Cheetah LMA-002 | High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle | Pentastar |
Chimera Dropship | Rapid Response Transport | Jogunwarrior |
Chinook Helicopter | Joe or Cobra. Great for dioramas | Cobrafirefly84 |
Chironex | Naval Attack Submarine | bpackwood |
Christmas HISS | Delivering peace and joy through firepower | SSgt Groover |
Chrome Sky Patrol Polar Sharc | Stealth Sub | Morgardee |
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