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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
C.O.U.R.T (Cobra Off-road/URban Truck) Quick Strike/Exit Unit Ol man
C.T.T. (Cobra Troop Transport) Armoured personnel carrier G.I.JAC
Camuflaje todo Terreno All Terrain Jeep GI_Pacman
Card-Board Royal Flush Gang Rides joemichaels70
Cardboard HISS Tank Cobra Command HISS vidmouse
Carpet Bomber Cobra Light Bomber Caravankidd
Carrots Mighty Mini Steed sgcaper
Centurion Armored Fighting Carrier OreoBuilder
CG APC Crimson Guard APC franz
CGI Rocket HISS Rocket Vehicle franz
CH-46 Sea Knight Chinook Helicopter Selective Compression Selective Compression
Chameleon Zartan's Swamp Ski Vanishing Point
Chameleon Swamp Skier jldubbya515
Chameleon Zartan's swamp skier DREMEL
Chameleon Swamp Skier Zartan's swamp skier Ian
Chameleon Swamp Skier Zartan's Swamp Skier Dusty79
Chaos Destiny Pirate Claire Lerouge's Ship bcost74
Cheetah Desert FAV (fast attack vehicle) Delta Team
Cheetah Attack VAMP DREMEL
Cheetah LMA-002 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle Pentastar
Chimera Dropship Rapid Response Transport Jogunwarrior
Chinook Helicopter Joe or Cobra. Great for dioramas Cobrafirefly84
Chironex Naval Attack Submarine bpackwood
Christmas HISS Delivering peace and joy through firepower SSgt Groover
Chrome Sky Patrol Polar Sharc Stealth Sub Morgardee
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