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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
Ego | Celestial being | pluv |
Eli | Blind mouse guard | pluv |
Evil Pluv | Snow Serpent Officer | pluv |
Fathom | Aquatic super hero | pluv |
Fire A.N.T.S. | Android Napalm Transport System | pluv |
Fire A.N.T.S. Commander | Head of the Android Napalm Transport Systems | pluv |
Firefly | Sabotage, Demolitions, and Terror | pluv |
Fisto | Eternian Warrior | pluv |
Flying Scorpion | Head of Cobra South American Operations | pluv |
Foreman | Combat Engineer | pluv |
Fridge | Tiger Force Training Instructor | pluv |
Fridge | Deputy of the Midway | pluv |
Frobo | Robotic Frog Sentry | pluv |
Furiosa | Driver | pluv |
G Man | Computer/Technologies Specialist | pluv |
Galactus | Live Action Role Play - Devourer of Pizza | pluv |
Genie | Phenomenal cosmic powers | pluv |
Geoffrey Bowsprit | D&D Giff Sailor | pluv |
Ghost Rider | Business Casual Supernatural Superhero | pluv |
Glenda | Pilot/Communications | pluv |
Grand Slam | Jet Pack Infantry Support | pluv |
Grandmaster | Elder of the Marvel Universe | pluv |
Grayson | Agent of Spyral | pluv |
Gung-Ho | Night Force | pluv |
Gyre-Viper | Mr. The Goggles | pluv |
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