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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Ego Celestial being pluv
Eli Blind mouse guard pluv
Evil Pluv Snow Serpent Officer pluv
Fathom Aquatic super hero pluv
Fire A.N.T.S. Android Napalm Transport System pluv
Fire A.N.T.S. Commander Head of the Android Napalm Transport Systems pluv
Firefly Sabotage, Demolitions, and Terror pluv
Fisto Eternian Warrior pluv
Flying Scorpion Head of Cobra South American Operations pluv
Foreman Combat Engineer pluv
Fridge Tiger Force Training Instructor pluv
Fridge Deputy of the Midway pluv
Frobo Robotic Frog Sentry pluv
Furiosa Driver pluv
G Man Computer/Technologies Specialist pluv
Galactus Live Action Role Play - Devourer of Pizza pluv
Genie Phenomenal cosmic powers pluv
Geoffrey Bowsprit D&D Giff Sailor pluv
Ghost Rider Business Casual Supernatural Superhero pluv
Glenda Pilot/Communications pluv
Grand Slam Jet Pack Infantry Support pluv
Grandmaster Elder of the Marvel Universe pluv
Grayson Agent of Spyral pluv
Gung-Ho Night Force pluv
Gyre-Viper Mr. The Goggles pluv
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