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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Nebula Cyborg pluv
Night Fox Ninja Combat Cruiser Driver pluv
Ninja Light Infantry pluv
Nuke Marvel Mercenary pluv
Nux War Boy pluv
Outback Desert Ops/Survival pluv
Outback Jungle Survival / Tiger Force pluv
Outlaw Mercenary pluv
Overlord Tactical Strategist pluv
OX-H8 Being Grouchy pluv
P-Luv Reserve Rear Guard pluv
P.E.S.T. Vipers Police, Escort, and Security Troopers pluv
Peel Out Desert Fox Driver pluv
Penguin Supervillain, Gentleman of Crime pluv
Peter Parker Student and Freelance photographer pluv
Phantom Limb Venture Bros. Super Villain pluv
Picard and Elnor Space Travellers pluv
Poe Dameron and Finn Resistance Fighters pluv
Professor Ghostrider Ghost riding the whip pluv
Psyche-Out Tiger Force/Psy-Ops pluv
Puck Alpha Flight/Mutant pluv
Rally Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball player pluv
Randy "The Ram" Robinson Wrestler pluv
Rapid Fire Fast Attack Expert pluv
Raptor Accountant (In Business Suit) pluv
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