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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Super Cop RamJet Pilot pluv
Superman Kingdom Come Farmer pluv
Swabby Coast Guard Chief pluv
Techno-Viper Officer Version 2 repaint pluv
Tex Attorney,Grav-Ball Player, Joe's Cantina pluv
Tex Hex Posse leader pluv
The Collector Marvel Cinematic Universe celestial pluv
The Incredible Hulk Marvel Super Hero pluv
The Laser Kumite Fighter pluv
The Sabre Modern Pirate/Mercenary pluv
The Shocker Dune buggy racer pluv
The Ventriloquist Batman's Rogue pluv
Thor Final Battle Thor pluv
Thor Out of shape Asgardian pluv
Tomas Primal D&D Warforged Druid pluv
Tony Stark Time Bandit pluv
Tony Stark Mechanic, infiltration specialist, savior pluv
Tony Two-Hands Thief/Safe Cracker pluv
Tybalt Prince of Cats pluv
Tyrion Lannister Drinks and knows things pluv
V Anarchist Revolutionary pluv
Viper Guard Infantry/Sentry pluv
Vizzini, Inigo Montoya, and Fezzik Mercenaries pluv
Vypra Jungle Mission Driver pluv
Vypra Rattler 4WD Driver pluv
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