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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Agent Icecreamman International Covert Operative icecreamman
Akiko Ninja, Arashikage Ninja Clan past nastification
Asazi Assassin (Council of Doom) past nastification
Barney Collier Impossible Missions Force, Field Agent/Tech past nastification
Blue Ninja (Female) Ninja past nastification
Brie Lanmark Civilian / Lifeline's #1 Lady Friend past nastification
Bubbles Aquatic Operations past nastification
Charles "Professor X" Xavier Professor / Telepath joemichaels70
Chicago Al "A Nostalgic Type" past nastification
Crispo Paine Torture Aficionado past nastification
Dirtwing Pilot past nastification
Doctor Venom Scientist past nastification
Dr. Benton Quest Scientist past nastification
Dr. Biggles-Jones Weapons Designer past nastification
Elite Horseman Heavy Vehicle Operator past nastification
Fidget & Vinchezo Filmographer & Pet Iguana past nastification
Flynt Adventurer / Extreme Sports past nastification
General Austin Pentagon Oversight past nastification
Glove Bio-Weaponized Assault Trooper past nastification
Hammer Head Mercenary, Underwater Ops (The Bad Guys) past nastification
Harpoon Aquatic Operations past nastification
Hector Ramirez Investigative Journalist past nastification
HM "Howling Mad" Murdock Pilot, the A-Team past nastification
Hondalou West Trucker, Captive of Cobra past nastification
Implosion Deep Sea Diver past nastification
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