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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Asazi Assassin (Council of Doom) past nastification
Blue Ninja (male) Ninja (Blue Ninja clan) past nastification
Dr. Mindbender & Fido Lead Scientist & Dogtopus past nastification
Flynt Adventurer / Extreme Sports past nastification
Glove Bio-Weaponized Assault Trooper past nastification
Implosion Deep Sea Diver past nastification
Kaos Wrecking Crew Member past nastification
Kiwi Engineer (Space Force) past nastification
Klunk Chemical Weapons Specialist past nastification
Matt Trakker Research & Development past nastification
Mechanic Mechanic past nastification
Miles Mayhem Cobra Air Force Commander past nastification
Moondancer Sub-Orbital Pilot past nastification
Muton Death Robot past nastification
Payload Astronaut past nastification
Quake Environmental Destruction (Council of Doom) past nastification
Rampage Assault Trooper past nastification
Robo-Joe Jet Tech Operations Expert past nastification
Surd Mad Scientist past nastification
Tempest Weather Manipulator past nastification
Wreckage Assault Trooper past nastification
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