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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Admiral Ledger Admiral, US Navy past nastification
Air Raid Flight Test / High Altitude Jet Pack Pilot past nastification
Alex Sector Research and Development past nastification
BA Barracus Driver/Muscle/Builder, The A-Team past nastification
Battle-Robot Autonomous Attack Robot from "Trojan Gambit" past nastification
Beast Ninja Commander Team Leader past nastification
Beaver Waterborne Sabotage past nastification
Boffin Scientist, Special Weapons Team past nastification
Boris Bushkin with Snowpack Research & Development past nastification
Buddy Hawks Research & Development past nastification
Chicago Al "A Nostalgic Type" past nastification
Cobra Commander Civilian-turning-terrorist past nastification
Colonel Decker Military Police past nastification
Colonel Sharif Commanding Officer past nastification
Commander Action Force Commanding Officer past nastification
Crispo Paine Torture Aficionado past nastification
Croc Master with Fiona & Milky Brackish Water Patrol past nastification
Daisuke Jigen Expert Marksman and Thief FNAadventures
Dark Ninja Brawler Disruption Specialist past nastification
Dirtwing Pilot past nastification
Doc Savage Movie Style Action drbindy
Dr. Joseph Krist Paranormal Researcher and Scholar Doc Rob
Dr. Marcus Brody Museum Curator / Historian / Archaeologist Kamakura
Evy Range Viper past nastification
Faceman (Templeton Peck) Smooth Talker (The A-Team) past nastification
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