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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Agent Helix Classified Stronox
Airborne Helicopter Assault Trooper TR1ER
Alpine PoC Mountain Warfare Specialist lucasclones
Alpine Mountain Assualt bucky
Ambush Concealment Specialist buzzerbr
Arctic Beachhead Ranger The Gooch
Armadillo Armored Driver UncleHappy
Back-Stop Armor blackrazor1
Ballistic Sharpshooter KrushViper
Barbecue Fire Fighter OreoBuilder
Barbecue Firefighter buzzerbr
Baron Ironblood World enemy no. 1 Dark Horse
Baroness Espionage drbindy
Barrel Roll Sniper buzzerbr
Barrel Roll High-Altitude Sniper Die Hunn
Bazooka Anti-Armor Specialist specoptoys
Bazooka Anti-armor specialist Stronox
Beach Head E-9 Command Sergeant Major bucky
Beachhead Resolute Drill Instructor Aca1raven2002
Beachhead Assault and training operations CNK01
Blizzard Arctic Attack Soldier Pyre
Busta 9's Espionage & Demolition Expert NIKOLAI
Cannonball Dreadnok Pirate Pyre
Charbroil Flamethrower bucky
Chuckles Undercover/Black Ops DavAnthony
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