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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Arctic Firefly Saboteur OreoBuilder
Crimson Asp Saboteur Kwinn_Lives
Crimson Asp Cobra Saboteur Robrauder
Dragonfly Firefly's Apprentice/Sister snowman_ejc
Firefly Saboteur DavAnthony
Firefly Arctic Saboteur StevieSNLD
Firefly Sabotage and Demolitions Expert theunknown
Firefly Demolitions sgcaper
Firefly Saboteur monkeyboy
Firefly Cobra Saboteur Kwinn_Lives
Firefly Mercenary, Sabotage, Demolitions Black Knight
Firefly Built to Rule Version 2 Robrauder
Firefly Sabotage Otto the Otter
Firefly 30th Anniversary Pugsley
Firefly Saboteur OreoBuilder
Firefly Cobra Ninja saboteur Ian
Firefly Sigma Six KrushViper
Firefly Sabotage and Explosives Custom catastrophes
Firefly Saboteur Stronox
Firefly Cobra Saboteur / Faceless Master Robrauder
Firefly Cobra Saboteur Robrauder
Firefly 25th Anniversary Pugsley
Firefly Ninja Saboteur Ian
Sistrurus Cobra Saboteur Ian
Swamp Rat Firefly Inc. Associate alleyviperelite
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