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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
"Fatso with the Machine Gun" Armed Protester past nastification
"V" Visitor Shock Trooper fschalk
Ace McCloud Centurion (Air Operations Expert) past nastification
Ahmad Best Jar Jar Binks Lance Sputnik
Ahmed Tribal Chief in Afghanistan past nastification
Air Raid Flight Test / High Altitude Jet Pack Pilot past nastification
Akiko Ninja, Arashikage Ninja Clan past nastification
Alec Trevelyan Field Operative past nastification
Alex Sector Research and Development past nastification
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) Return of the Jedi theunknown
Anthony Daniels C3PO Lance Sputnik
Armorer of Fett Palace Defense and Master at Arms pluv
Asaj Ventress Sith Apprentice Lance Sputnik
Azoolgaddo Felinoid Smuggler (And Sometimes Pirate) The Spectre
Ballistic Sharpshooter (GI Joe Extreme) past nastification
Barney Collier Impossible Missions Force, Field Agent/Tech past nastification
Baron Ironblood Supreme Commander past nastification
Baron Von Chill Medieval Master past nastification
Baroness Intelligence Officer w/ snake Cobra Commander past nastification
Baroness The Baroness in an elegant evening gown The Baroness
Baroness Intelligence Officer, Early Marvel / Sunbow past nastification
Beast Ninja Tracker Ground Pursuit past nastification
Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi Desert Hermit Pyre
Black Major Field Commander past nastification
Black Spider Mysterious Agent past nastification
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