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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Airborne Airborne Trooper Robrauder
Alley Viper 1997 Rage Driver Robrauder
Alley Viper Retaliation Urban Assault Trooper Robrauder
Alley Viper Urban Assault Trooper Robrauder
Alley Vipers Urban Combat - Shock Troopers buzzerbr
Astro Viper Cobranaut Robrauder
B.A.T. Card art version of battle android trooper the odinson
B.A.T. Version 2 Battle Android Trooper Robrauder
Beach Head Ranger Robrauder
Blowtorch Flamethrower Robrauder
Charbroil Flamethrower Robrauder
Cobra Cobra Infantry jldubbya515
Cobra Armoured NCO Tank Crew Leader starviper
Cobra Armoured Trooper Tank Crewman starviper
Cobra Artillery Trooper Gunner, Indirect Fire Weapons starviper
Cobra Border Trooper Frontier Control starviper
Cobra C.L.A.W.S. Light Armored Weapons Specialist Robrauder
Cobra Caribinier Close Quarters Infantry Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Chasseur Light Infantry Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Cobra CLAWS Combat Light Armored Weapons Specialist KrushViper
Cobra Commando Cobra Commando Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Cuirassier Heavy Infantry Officer Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Dragoon Machanized Infantry Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Eclaireur Advance Recon Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Ecuyer Aide-de-Campe Kwinn_Lives
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