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Thumbnail Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Arbco Brothers Garage
Arbco Brothers Garage Dreadnok Hideout pluv
Archery Target
Archery Target Place for arrows to hit pluv
Ballista Crossbow and Jousting Target
Ballista Crossbow and Jousting Target Siege Ranged Weapon and Mounted Target pluv
Cobra Commander Bust
Cobra Commander Bust Cape rack/Secret escape pluv
Croissant Moon
Croissant Moon Tavern/Inn pluv
Destro's Dungeon Basement
Destro's Dungeon Basement McCullen Clan and their pet pluv
Destroyed Desert Village Wall
Destroyed Desert Village Wall Diorama Display pluv
Dock Waterfront safehouse pluv
Droid Leg Lamp
Droid Leg Lamp Major Award from A Life Day Story pluv
Forge of Spells
Forge of Spells Magical Fire Brazier prop pluv
Gun Robo Walther
Gun Robo Walther Transforming Micro Changer Micronaut Cannon pluv
JoeCustoms The Diorama
JoeCustoms The Diorama Minaiture show display pluv
Jungle Village
Jungle Village Village in Cobra occupied territory pluv
Lunar Echo Outpost
Lunar Echo Outpost Moon base listening station pluv
Mimic Fountain of Restoration
Mimic Fountain of Restoration Wolf in sheep's clothing pluv
Night Force Bivouac
Night Force Bivouac Nocturnal duck blind and pup tent pluv
Nocturnal Fire
Nocturnal Fire Mini Shoebox Diorama pluv
Nomad Cannonball Bandits
Nomad Cannonball Bandits D&D miniatures diorama, Toys for my toys pluv
Robo-tender Entertainment Service Package pluv
Russian Research Station
Russian Research Station Quonset Hut from Marvel issue #2 pluv
Silent Sand Castle
Silent Sand Castle Fun at the beach pluv
Sword in the Stone
Sword in the Stone Annointment of Royalty pluv
Teletraan 1
Teletraan 1 Autobots ship/Earth HQ pluv
Warehouse/Cargo Bay
Warehouse/Cargo Bay Multipurpose backdrop with vanishing point pluv
Worms of Death
Worms of Death Shoebox diorama from the Mass Device pluv
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