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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Archer S.A.C (Scout Assault Cycle) zorpoxthedestroyer
Big Red Trike Stormavik
Black Hawk Motorcycle WoLF
Bullet Bike MASK motorcycle and hover cycle DREMEL
Buzzer's Motorcycle Buzzer's Motorcycle past nastification
Cobra Coil Evader High Speed Courier Transport sgcaper
Cobra Motorcycle Moto Espeto
Condor II M.A.S.K. Advanced Motorcycle/Helicopter Mainframe
Coyote Scout Vehicle Stormavik
Crimson Mirage Fast Attack Vehicle ramonesbootlegs
Cy-Kill Custom chopper with robot theme pluv
Cy-Kill Zartan's Personal Chopper OreoBuilder
Delta Mark IV MegaForce Motorcycle bcost74
Dreadnok Ground Assault RAM Modern era version of Sears exclusive bcost74
FLASH FORCE,Task Force OMEGA Escort Bikes FLASH FORCE Counter Terrorism,TaskForce OMEGA steel bonnet
Ghost Rider II Motorcycle Spirit of Vengeance Motorcycle icecreamman
GI JOE Buckshot Off Road vehicle Blood Brigade
High Wire R.A.M. Mk II chad_ghost
Jungle Officer Motorcycle Jungle Ops sgcaper
KITT: Knight Industries Three Thousand Sentient AI Motorcycle sgcaper
Lawmaster Judge Dredd Motorcycle Iron Will
Mongoose Cobra Infantry Rapid Fire Motorcycle Tunnel Rat
Mongoose Scout Vehicle Stormavik
Mongoose Crimson Guard Rapid Fire Motorcycle Tunnel Rat
Mongoose Cobra Officer Rapid Fire Motorcycle Tunnel Rat
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