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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
A-Team Van Covert Transportation for Mercenaries past nastification
Chimera Dropship Rapid Response Transport Jogunwarrior
Custom Hiss III Cobra tank armor WeatheredPlastic
Dreadnought Main battle tank Blood Brigade
Floating bassinet pod Child carrier pluv
Hopper (Explorer's Edition) Davidson-Mars' Versatile Solo Transport Unit drbindy
Sand Pirate Dune Borer Danger From Beneath The Sands! The Spectre
Scatterblast Swoop Bike DanOfTheDead
Torch's motorcycle Torch's motorcycle past nastification
X-Striker Capt. Luke "Sky" Walker's personal aircraft Ian
X-Wing "Skystriker" Air-to-Air Combat Starfighter Mysterious Stranger
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