2002 Rattler (eBay-$1.99 woo-hoo!!)
Extra Rattler engine covers
Stryene plastic
Acrylic paints

Here is America's premiere air to ground attack jet... you ought to see these dudes in action... that gun rocks!

The classic Rattler has always been one sweet airplane/toy but I never got one as a kid. Well I found one and realized what a disappointment the '02 version was and decided this was the only proper thing to do with this hunk of plastic. I was shooting for the "definitive" Rattler / A-10 transition. Getting those engines off the wings was easy... making those wings look like "wings that never had engines on them" was one heck of a task. All that's left are the decals...

Update to follow! And for my next trick, the Cobra Night Watch Rattler.

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