Main Chassis: Muscle Machines 1:18th CFL Rigid
Rear Fender: Sheet Styrene
Passenger Seat: 21st Century Toys 1:18th Jeep
Stowage: Misc. 1:18th Military Field Pack
Rear Bumper: 1:18th Ertyl Suzuki Eiger Front
Front Tire: Misc. 1:18th Dirt bike
Rear Tires: Misc. Monster Truck
Motorcycle Trailer:
Main Cargo Box: Misc. Plastic Utility Drawer
Cover: Sheet Styrene
Rear Fender: Sheet Styrene
Tires: 1:20th Model Tires
Suspension: 21st Century Toys 1:18th Jeep
Cargo Net: Star Wars R2-D2 Cargo Net
Bumper & Lights: 21st Century Toys 1:18th Jeep
Machine Gun: Double Blast V1 Machine Gun
Decals: Cobra Stickers
Road Pig has his favorite ride, just like the rest of the Dreadnoks. Unfortunatley Road Pig is not built
like the rest of the Dreadnoks and has a hard time finding a motorcycle large enough for his 6'8", 310
pound frame. Big Red was built for Road Pig. The largest engine made by Harley Davidson was used
to power the beast. Off-road tires were chosen because of the dirt roads are often used by the
Dreadnoks. Fenders and a second seat were added for a passenger. This seat is normally occupied by
Zarana. A surplus military field pack is strapped to the back of the seat for gear. Big Red is often seen
pulling a customized motorcycle trailer. This trailer has been customized by cutting the trailer cover
in half and using a cargo net over the rest. The net is used to secure larger items. When the cargo net
is removed the trailer can be used like a gladiator chariot. This chariot however has a 12.7mm
M.A.R.S. Heavy Machine Gun. The machine gun is hidden under a false floor that can be removed.