Head: '85 Alpine (modified)
Arms: '91 Lowlight
Torso: '86 Lifeline
Waist: Unknown
Legs: '84 Scrap Iron

One of the things I've been working on this past year is a small series of figures I'm calling the ARAH Line. It will include updates to figures based on their appearances in the old Marvel and current IDW Real American Hero title. For this next entry I'm going with a character that never received a figure, and had a very brief appearance in the comic. However, despite his somewhat obscure nature, I really liked the design of Cool Breeze and liked the character himself, so he's been one that I've wanted to include in my collection for a while.

The custom is relatively simple, I added some BBI goggles to the Alpine head. I thought about including the sword with scabbard, but left it off. I may give him another go at some point, but overall I am happy with this first attempt at the character.

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