Head: Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi
Torso: Duke V.11
Upper Arms: Black Out
Lower Arms. Snake-Eyes V.14
Waist: Buzzer
Thighs: Roadblock V.9
Lower Legs: Cobra C.L.A.W.S. V.7
The other Dreadnoks named him Caliber. They thought it was funny because the kid has been shot by every caliber of bullet there is. He wants to be called Smooth. He and his older brother, Mortar, joined the Dreadnoks together right before Cobra Commander came back into Zartan's life.
I added the pouch to his chest and the holster on his back for his shotgun. My wife is always complaining how dark (the paints) my figures are. So I tried some ligther browns. I added the purple to his hair as an after thought.