Head: Crystal Ball...Chrometech special
Torso: Destro V2 w/cape
Arms and thighs: Crystal Ball
Waist: Destro V2 w/buckle from Crystal Ball crotch
Feet: Destro v2
Sword: Destro v2 Chrometech Special
I made this Crystro special for the 2005 Collectors Con. With the Iron Grenadiers as that year's theme I figured it was only appropriate to have Crystal Ball take over the Iron Grenadiers...and I'm a sucker for Chrometechusa.com's vac metalizing. The option for gold rather than silver was just too good for me to pass up...unfortunately I didn't get my chromed parts back in time for the con and that's why I don't think my group of The Iron Ballidiers won that year.
Destro has become one of the most important figures in the world of G.I. Joe. He has an army of his own, and supplies weapons to both Cobra and G.I. Joe...he and the command staff of the Iron Grenadiers are prime targets in the Crystal Army's plan for Global Conquest.