legs, waist, arms: Stilleto Pilot
chest and helmet: Annihilator
head: unknown G.I. Joe figure from junk bin.
Gun: Robo-Joe
Helicopter pack: G.I. Joe action pack helicopter
Talon is to Destro, what Tomax and Xamot are to Cobra Commander. He leads Destro's elite guard, which makes him the best of the best. I wanted to see his face so I had to find a mean-looking Joe with a Euro-haircut. I also wanted him to have a bigger heli-pack than the other Annihilators, so I used the action pack. All I had was one with no arms, so I'm looking for a new one that I'll probably customize too. I wanted more red, but had to settle for the arm pads and visor. The helmet isn't bored-out, but I might try it someday.