Head: Corps figure with casted hat (added animal skull and feathers from kwinn necklace)
torso: Gnawgahyde dremeled down
arms: Quick Kick
legs :Wildcard
crotch: Buzzer
coat: modern CC with added ribs on back
cane: Jonny Quest
knife and idol: Pirates of the C.
tarrot cards:?
I got this idea from another customs maker Starwarsgeek. He created this character and made him a Dreadnok. However his version was a modern era Joe style figure and I personally don't customize new figures, strictly o-ring style. I usually don't copy off of other customizers but this guy was just too cool to pass up and not turn into a o-ring figure. Anyway this guy is a voodoo priest named Damballah. He is like the character from the James Bond movies named Baron Semeadi. I think his accessory choice is quite appropriate.