Base figure - E.T.

Cobra Commander was very pissed his vengeance on Superman was a failure, ruined by Batman. Cobra Commander not only hates Superman and Batman, but now he hates the entire Justice League. He wants to get rid of them. The Justice League is not the most powerful force of the world, no, it's Cobra! During the anniversary celebration of the Justice League in the Hall of Justice, Cobra launched missiles towards the Hall of Justice. The only Leaguers arrived early were Aquaman, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter and Justice League reserve Power Girl. Power Girl is the only one capable enough to stop the missiles. The rest can only bring the civilians to safety. Luckily, a Green Lantern heard the Justice League's distress call and it's Green Lantern E.T.! Power Girl and E.T. were able to destroy most of the missiles; Aquaman and Martian Manhunter did their best to lend a hand. Black Canary continued to rescue civilians hurt in a stampede. Using her sonic scream, she crushed falling debris. Then the rest of the Justice League arrived and disposed of all the missiles. The Justice League was able to track Cobra's location. Now they plan to finish Cobra's terror once and for all.

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