Head: 25A Scarlett with Padme Amidala hair
Body: 25A Scarlett
Arms: 25A Mutt, Mutt Williams
Thighs: RoC Hawk
Knees: 25A Duke
Calves: 25A Mutt arms
Feet: 25A Lady Jaye
It's no secret that I'm a sucker for the PS3 adventure video game series Uncharted. It's fantastic. So naturally I wanted to make customs of some of the characters.
This is another case of making due with what you have. There just aren't very many parts out there that can be used to make civilians, and for female civilians, there are even less. So I had to put a lot of effort into making something that resembles the character as she appears in the games. I am only partially pleased with the results, and will be coming back to this some time in the future.