Storm Shadow Head
Retaliation Trooper upper body
PoC Firefly vest, Modded
Resolute Duke Upper Legs
Shock Trooper Lower Legs, with pouches added

For Eagle Eye, I wanted a 15 minutes into the future type soldier, similar to the ghost recon games I always see artwork for. He went through several name changes and I went back and forth on them for the longest time. My initial Codename for him was Ironhide, as a nod to the fact that sometimes transformers and joes shared the same name. That didn't pan out though, as Ironhide is too familiar a transformer to get away with that. After many weeks and emails back and forth about the project, I sent a list to OB with several names on it, and he liked Eagle Eye the best, so Ironhide became Eagle Eye.
He started out very modest, with a retaliation firefly torso and arms, and a mouse helmet, but it was rather bland. I really wanted this guy to stand out, in my head if this line were actually at retail, he'd be the character that would be heavily featured on artwork and what not. I started collecting and looking at more and more pictures of "future soldiers" on google images, and started to hammer out some of the details, like the shoulder cannon, the helmet, the wrist gauntlet. Something just wasn't right, and I wasn't happy with how he looked, and it took awhile to realize that his original vest (which will be seen in the wip pictures) just looked too cluttered. I needed to streamline it, and tried the poc firefly vest, which flowed a lot better and looked more like it belonged. Justin's write up on him turned him into the guy I had pictured in my head. I am very happy with this figure.

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