Head - Krexx Radek custom (modified)
Left upper arm - Storm Shadow v2
Left lower arm - Mutt
Right arm - Recoil
Torso - Duke
Waist - Muskrat
Legs - Windchill

Submachine gun - unknown
Eagle - Spirit

In my Joeverse, Mego's Eagle Force and the Joes are connected, with Wild Bill as the link. That is, our favourite cowboy Mr. Hardy served under Captain Eagle in the Eagle Force before joining GI Joe. I see Eagle Force as a paramilitary organization that arose after the original GI Joe left the military to operate the Adventure Team, which left a hole to be filled by the Eagle Force. After a couple of years they disbanded, but their successes encouraged the US military to create the GI Joe team. I kept the gold colour for the Eagle Force uniforms because it looks pretty cool.

Eagle took a little work to put together, I needed Mutt's lower left arm to act as his falconry glove. He also needed an eagle as an accessory, and Freedom was the obvious choice. I painted a few extra details on the bird.

File Name: Eagell, Jonathan P.
Birthplace: Little Rock, AR
Service Branch: Army
Grade: O-3 (CPT)
Primary MOS: Infantry Officer
Secondary MOS: Counterintelligence Officer

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