Head: Comic Pack Cobra Commander
Torso, arms, waist, legs: Comic Pack Clutch
AK-74: Marauder, Inc.

Easter was a lifelong member of the IRA, trained by his father, uncles and brother, all of whom were IRA members themselves; he grew up on violence and chaos, and it became all he knew, the only sense of normalcy in his universe. When peace accords were reached and many of the older fighters gave up their arms, Easter couldn't do so.

Driven from Ireland by both British anti-terrorist units and his own family, Easter hooked up time and again with terrorist groups world over, from small fringe groups to massive organizations like Al-Qaida or even Cobra. He cared nothing for their causes; chaos is his only goal, perpetuating an endless cycle of fear, death and violence until he dies or is killed is all that matters. This makes him a highly unpredictable and deadly man, even to those who consider him an ally.

Currently among the Joe's Most Wanted, he is second only to Cobra Commander himself on the list.

Design notes:

This guy came about as I was making space in my fodder drawers. The CC hooded head is so instantly recognizable the uses for it are pretty limited; further the Clutch body is just too bulky for a lot of ideas I had. When I put the two together, though, an idea formed. Not the most pleasant idea but one that worked.

The name Easter is borrowed from the Star Trek novel "Strangers From The Sky"; Easter is a former IRA terrorist who simply can't give up a fight long since lost. Fortunately he freezes to death in the book, so it's not all bad. :-)

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