Head: Unmasked comic pack Beachhead
Body: Resolute Destro
Helmet: Sci Fi v4(dyed)
Gun: Snake-Eyes v34 w/chap mei strap
Rest: Various Star Wars
Electrocutioner was the head researcher for a MARS rivals R&D department. He was let go after getting in an altercation with a co-worker who was stealing his work. One night he breaks into the lab, downloads all their top secret government work, and burns the place to the ground. Upon hearing of this, Destro recruits him to work on experimental weaponry for Cobra, not trusting him enough to put him in his own labs.
The whole figure came about after finding a Sci Fi helmet I had dyed years ago in a parts box. I noticed that the color was fairly close to the blue on Resolute Destro. The Beachhead head always struck me as a "techie" sort of look, someone who would test his own product before anyone else.