HEAT Viper body and head, with Metalhead thighs.

I love the Fast Blast Vipers, and always loved the HEAT Vipers. I kinda saw the FBs as a low rent HEAT, that Cobra Commander never bother to even give helmets to. Well, they needed a leadr, and the natural choice was a HEAT. Instead of doing the smart thing and just popping a HEAT head on a FB body (FBVs are just too hard to come by, I still need another 12-13.), I repainted the whole HEAT in the appropriate colors, but decided to give him better/different weapons. Metalhead was about the best armed guy without a vehicle to sit in, and I have a ton of his weapons because I always find the figure broken, so that was what i used. The paint job is a little shoddy and rushed, but you might not be able to tell in the picture.

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