ROC Night Adder body and head (painted)
HoH Firefly bandoliers
POC Quick Kick fist guards
Its pretty established that while I love the outside of the US characters one of the things I don't care for is essentially the same figure using a different name, with maybe a splash of paint.
Kangor is one of those figures. He's just Big Boa with a black helmet, which annoys the hell out of me.
So I decided to take a crack at that character.
How does one make a character different, yet still have some reflection of what was the original? In this case I started with looking for a sizable guy.
The more I looked through my box of bodies (man that sounds wrong!) the more I kept realizing the biggest were Night Adder, Bazooka, Bench Press and Roadblock.
Of the four, Night Adder won. Sure I'm taking liberties changing Kangor from white to black but that's sort of what I do when I put these spins on these characters anyway. Besides Hasbro did it with Ripcord, and Repeater so why can't I?