Head, Torso, and Arms: Retaliation Roadblock
Legs: RoC Reavy Duty
Helmet: How to Train Your Dragon
I'd seen someone else use the helmet (Dusty79 I think) for a figure and I loved the look. It shared enough elements with Big Boa, that I thought it could be a good way to make a Kangor that was more than just a repaint. Scoured the local hobby shops to find a Schliech kangaroo, got some cast boxing gloves for him, and he was done.
A heartless boxer with a cruel streak as long as your arm, Kangor was banned from legitimate competition. Continuing his career in unsanctioned fights Kangor struck up an unlikely friendship of sorts with a boxing kangaroo, Gooru, who would often perform as a warm-up act. Sick of taking punches for a fraction of what he'd made in the professional circuit, he stole Gooru, and struck out as a mercenary.
As a boy, Kangor was a local bully. If he were ever at a disadvantage in a fight, he'd call his friends for backup. His friends? A giant pitbull and a malinois he'd won over. This tactic of dirty tricks and animal assists continues today, and he's trained Gooru well. Not much use in a firefight, but in a brawl the mere sight of a kangaroo wading into the mix is enough to take some people out the game.