Head: Lifeline v2
Arms: Falcon v3
Rest: Lifeline v4

Pack: custom
Case: Lifeline v2
Hip-Pouch: Chap Mei
Flare Gun: JvC Pack in

Codename: Lifeline
Filename: Steen, Edwin C.
Primary Military Specialty: Doctor of Medicine
Rank: E-5
Birthplace: Seattle, Washington

Bio: Lifeline joined the Army Medical Corps as a medic when he found out that the Seattle Fire Department wouldn't give pensions to personnel disableds providing off-duty aid, an idea he found contrary to the Hypocratic Oath. During his time on the G.I. Joe team, Lifeline took part in a Special Mission that saved Brianna Van Mark, daughter of the owner and CEO of Van Mark Industries, from Cobra. This led to a relationship between the two and, after the Joe team was disbanded, their marriage. After years as a medic, during the period that the Joe team was inactive, Lifeline went back to school and earned his M.D.

"Each Joe fights Cobra in their own way. Most of us fight to stop Cobra from harming people, but when they do Lifeline's battle begins. He fights the death and injury Cobra causes... and that's probably a thousand times harder than what the rest of us do." -- Sergeant Cooper McBride, codename: "Low-Light"

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