Head: ARAH Zarana
Neck, front/back, upper arms, legs: Fisher-Price ???
Lower arms: NS Baroness
Hands: ???


Judi Dench portrayed M in the original James Bond continuity. She was the second person* to assume the codename, first appearing in Goldeneye and remaining through the rest of Pierce Brosnan's run as Bond.

She also played M again in the reset continuity staring Daniel Craig. So she kind of played two different characters, and she kind of didn't.

No matter which Bond she gave missions to, she always wore snappy business attire. Here I've used a mix of Fisher-Price and New Sculpt parts to create an M-like pantsuit, topped an ARAH Zarana head.

*Maybe the third person, if you consider Bernard Lee and Robert Brown to be two different people who had the codename. Some Bond fans think it was simple recasting when Lee died; others assume it was Brown playing a different character who took over the codename after the first M died. I don't really have an opinion on this.

Colors & Painting:

A pewter grey pantsuit with a white shirt. It doesn't exactly line up with any of M's film appearances, but keeps with the spirit of the character.

Sculpting & Modifying:

The FP figures are certainly dated, but they have their place in customizing even if they require correcting the proportions. The FP hands looks like lobster claws, so they normally have to go, too.

The Zarana head's hair was removed and replaced with sculpted hair. The Adventure People figure's head was cut at the top of the neck and replaced with the Zarana head.

The arms of the AP figure were cut off at the biceps and replaced with the Baroness ones, which featured larger replacement hands. The lower arms were also epoxied to be more like suit sleeves.

I left the short legs to keep M minute.

Thanks for looking.

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