1994 Star Brigade Duke Head, 1986 Low-Light body and arms, Lift-Ticket legs
Every specialist team needs a decent pilot, and for the Oktober Guard, that's MIG. Okay, it's a derivative name. It's no worse than Red Star or Big Bear, or Big Ben for that matter. If Hasbro can use those, then I can use names like Mig and Sputnik. Mig can fly just about any helicopter or jet fighter in the Soviet arsenal. He's a bit of a hotshot, but is also a good team player. The figure is one of my more extensive "frankensteins". He has the head of the 1994 Star Brigade Duke. I removed the eyebrows. Somehow it makes him look more Russian. Actually I think it makes him look a bit like that Russian pilot in the movie "Firefox". The upper body, lower torso, and arms are from Low-Light. I sculpted the star to the belt buckle. The legs are from Lift-Ticket, although I redid the knee pads so their pattern matched the ridges elsewhere on the uniform. I've had people tell me that it really looks like a pilot's uniform, which isn't bad since Low-Light wasn't a pilot. I hope you like MIG!